L’alfabeto di Natale

Questa poesia di Natale l’abbiamo inventata noi e poi l’abbiamo rappresentata in 3D. Abbiamo scritto le rime per ogni lettera sulle nuvolette di carta che abbiamo ritagliato e le abbiamo collegate al disegno dell’albero di Natale con il filo da giardinaggio. Il filo da giardinaggio contiene un sottile filo di ferro all’interno per cui e’ facile da manovrare e posizionare. A chi volesse cimentarsi in questo progetto consiglierei di fare l’albero di base piuttosto grande perche’ e’ abbastanza complicato sistemare 26 fili in uno spazio non adeguato.


A is for angels that are in the sky

B is for Bethlehem Jesus birthplace

C is for Christmas

and D is for Day

E is for Eve, a night for pray

F is for Father Christmas whom kids await

G is for gold that together with myrrh and incense the three wise men donate

H is for holiday

I is for ivy

J is for joy, jolly and jelly

K is for king

L is for lights

M is for Merry

N is for Nativity

O is for oranges the smell of noel

P is for party, pudding and pie

Q is for quiet

R is for Rudolph the famous reindeer

S is for sleigh that with the bright red nose it steers

T is for tree that without Christmas cannot be

U is for unity,

V is for Vixan, another of the nine reindeer every Christmas

W is for worship

X + mas is short for Christmas

Y is for Yuletide another word for these jolly days

Z is for the zillions of good wishes I send your way


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